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Youth Depression Alleviation: Augmentation with Anti-inflammatory Agent (YoDA-A)

This 12-week triple blind randomised controlled trial includes young people (15-25 years, 60% female) with moderate to severe major depressive disorder measured using the MADRS, recruited between 2013 and 2017 across Victoria, Australia. All participants received treatment as usual plus either aspirin (n = 40), rosuvastatin (n = 48) or placebo (n = 42) with assessments at baseline and weeks 4, 8, 12 and 26. Dataset includes primary outcome changes in the MADRS scale from baseline to 12 weeks, demographic information, suicidality, anxiety, substance use, and medication.

Depression / Mental Health
Date made available
Data will be available immediately and for an indefinite time.
Data set type
ANZCTR reference number
Berk M, Mohebbi M, Dean OM, Cotton SM, Chanen AM, Dodd S, Ratheesh A, Amminger GP, Phelan M, Weller A, Mackinnon A, Giorlando F, Baird S, Incerti L, Brodie RE, Ferguson NO, Rice S, Schäfer MR, Mullen E, Hetrick S, Kerr M, Harrigan SM, Quinn AL, Mazza C, McGorry P, Davey CG. Youth Depression Alleviation with Anti-inflammatory Agents (YoDA-A): a randomised clinical trial of rosuvastatin and aspirin. BMC Med. 2020 Jan 17;18(1):16.