Dataset derived from a clinical research study focusing on the early intervention in the prodromal phase of psychotic disorders, where individuals exhibit symptoms indicative of psychosis but not severe enough to constitute a full disorder. The study involved 320 patients identified as ‘ultra high risk’ (UHR) for developing psychotic disorders based on established criteria. Participants were randomized to receive either omega-3 fatty acids or a placebo, alongside a standard psychological treatment called cognitive behavioural case management (CBCM). CBCM combines elements of traditional case management with cognitive behavioural therapy, commonly used in clinical settings. The primary objective of this research was to evaluate whether omega-3 fatty acids, against a backdrop of CBCM, can lower the incidence of developing a psychotic disorder among these at-risk individuals.
Alternative and Complementary Medicine / Mental Health
DOI Number
Date made available
Data are available immediately for an indefinite time.
Data set type
ANZCTR reference number
Data dictionary