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Personality disorder in young people: Evaluation of Screening measures And the safety and acceptability of relational Peer Work (EScAPe)

This dataset captures information from a pilot clinical trial involving young people aged 12-25 years with personality disorder who received up to 10 sessions of relational peer work over 13 weeks. The dataset includes details on treatment attendance, the content of peer work sessions, participant demographics, and outcomes related to psychosocial functioning, distress, self-care, help-seeking behaviours, personality pathology, depressive symptoms, anxiety, and substance use. Additionally, it records fidelity measures, including the use of standardized training resources and supervision for peer workers. The dataset does not include a control group.

Mental Health / Psychosis and personality disorders
Date made available
Data will be available immediately following publication and for an indefinite time.
Data set type
ANZCTR reference number
Researchers requiring more information regarding the study protocol are encouraged to contact the Principle Investigator via email.
Data dictionary