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INTEGRATE: An integrated treatment to decrease psychological distress and substance use in young people seeking help for emerging mental illness.

This dataset includes information from a randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of the INTEGRATE intervention, a manualized psychological treatment aimed at reducing mental health difficulties and substance use in young people aged 12-25. The dataset captures details on treatment session attendance, content covered, session length, and treatment fidelity for participants receiving up to 10 sessions of INTEGRATE therapy over 16 weeks. It also includes data on the control group, who received treatment as usual (TAU), with psychological interventions recorded by clinicians. The primary outcomes measured are changes in alcohol and drug use between the INTEGRATE and TAU groups.

Mental Health / Other mental health disorders
Date made available
Data are currently embargoed. They will be available after the main results have been published for an indefinite time.
Data set type
ANZCTR reference number
Researchers requiring more information regarding the study protocol are encouraged to contact the Principle Investigator via email.