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A Randomised Controlled Trial of the Efficacy of the Men in Mind Training on Mental Health Practitioners’ Clinical Competencies for Working with Male Clients

The dataset from the “Men in Mind” trial includes variables evaluating the efficacy of an online training program aimed at enhancing mental health practitioners’ clinical competencies in engaging male clients in therapy. Core variables focus on pre- and post-training scores on the Engaging Men in Therapy Scale (EMITS) to assess clinicians’ engagement skills, along with the Counsellor Self-Efficacy Scale (COSE) and Development of Psychotherapists Common Core Questionnaire (DPCCQ) for evaluating self-efficacy and clinical skills. Additional variables capture participant engagement with training modules, adherence levels, and outcomes across different timepoints, including immediate post-intervention and follow-up assessments at 6 and 12 weeks. Data also include comparisons between intervention and waitlist control groups to measure primary and secondary outcomes, providing insight into the retention of learning and skill application. This dataset facilitates analysis of the impact of gender-focused training on clinician competencies, with randomized assignment ensuring robust comparison of outcomes across groups.

cognitive function and behaviour / Health service research / Mental Health / Public Health
Date made available
Following publication of primary results; no end date determined.
Data set type
ANZCTR reference number
Researchers requiring more information regarding the study protocol are encouraged to contact the Principle Investigator via email.
Data dictionary