The PHAstER Trial: Physical Health Assistance in Early Recovery of Psychosis
MOMENTUM: Enhancing Social Functioning in Young People at Ultra High Risk (UHR) for Psychosis: RCT of a Novel Strengths-based Online Social Therapy
MYSS-HYPE: A pilot study of contingency management for smoking cessation in young people with Borderline Personality Disorder features
Imagery Rescripting of Mental Images of Suicide, A Feasibility Study
CanARY Study : The effect of Cannabidiol on positive psychotic symptoms in At Risk for psychosis Youth
INTEGRATE: An integrated treatment to decrease psychological distress and substance use in young people seeking help for emerging mental illness.
A Randomised Controlled Trial of the Efficacy of the Men in Mind Training on Mental Health Practitioners’ Clinical Competencies for Working with Male Clients
INVEST: Individualised vocational support for youth with borderline personality disorder: A randomised controlled trial
Kindred: A pilot study of moderated online social therapy for carers of youth with borderline personality disorder
MOBY: A randomised controlled trial of three forms of psychosocial early intervention for borderline personality disorder in youth.